11. 亚历山大·安德烈耶维奇·伊万诺夫《基督复活后向抹大拉的玛丽亚显现》 高清作品[91%]

Christs <em>Appearance</em> to Mary Magdalene after the Resurrection-

图片文件尺寸 : 4725 x 3556px

亚历山大·安德烈耶维奇·伊万诺夫《基督复活后向抹大拉的玛丽亚显现》-Alexander Andreyevich Ivanov  

Christs Appearance to Mary Magdalene after the Resurrection--Alexander Andreyevich Ivanov   (俄罗斯, 1806-1858)


12. 米开朗基罗·翁特贝格(Michelangelo Unterberger)为圣安东尼乌斯·冯·帕多瓦(St.Antonius von Padua)所作的婴儿耶稣和上帝之母的出现 高清作品[80%]

The <em>appearance</em> of the baby Jesus and the Mother of God to St. Antonius von Padua-

图片文件尺寸 : 1950 x 4101px

米开朗基罗·翁特贝格(Michelangelo Unterberger)为圣安东尼乌斯·冯·帕多瓦(St.Antonius von Padua)所作的婴儿耶稣和上帝之母的出现-Michelangelo Unterberger

The appearance of the baby Jesus and the Mother of God to St. Antonius von Padua--Michelangelo Unterberger (奥地利, 1695-1758)

下载米开朗基罗·翁特贝格(Michelangelo Unterberger)为圣安东尼乌斯·冯·帕多瓦(St.Antonius von Padua)所作的婴儿耶稣和上帝之母的出现大图

15. 约翰,温特霍普。1714-1779. 《彗星的两次讲座》,在新英格兰剑桥哈佛学院教堂阅读……波士顿:格林和罗素,1759年。 高清作品[71%]

Two Lectures on Comets, Read in the Chapel of Harvard College, in Cambridge, New England.... Boston: Green  Russell, 1759.

图片文件尺寸 : 4208 x 5488px

WINTRHOP, JOHN. 1714-1779.:Two Lectures on Comets, Read in the Chapel of Harvard College, in Cambridge, New England.... Boston: Green Russell, 1759.
8o (195 x 119 mm). Disbound. Lacking half-title and final blank. Ink ownership inscription on title page, scattered browning and spotting.

FIRST EDITION, published after the appearance of Halley\'s comet in December of 1758. Winthrop endeavors to calm the fears of people by explaining the science behind the comet\'s appearance, just as Halley had predicted it. Winthrop was the great-grandson of his namesake, who founded the Massachusetts Bay Colony. He taught mathematics and natural philosophy at Harvard College, and wrote a number of other tracts on natural phenomena (such as the Lisbon earthquake of 1755), explaining the science behind their occurrence. Evans 8522; Sabin 104857.

约翰,温特霍普。1714-1779. 《彗星的两次讲座》,在新英格兰剑桥哈佛学院教堂阅读……波士顿:格林和罗素,1759年。

下载约翰,温特霍普。1714-1779. 《彗星的两次讲座》,在新英格兰剑桥哈佛学院教堂阅读……波士顿:格林和罗素,1759年。大图